Author: Suzy Mitchell Category: Fitness, Pilates, Workout

I finally turned 40….It happened and quite honestly it’s all good. 

I realised as I approached this marker that landmarks are just that, things we recognise that help us know where we are or remind us where we would like to be going.  I chose to spend the day in NYC, a city I feel most at peace in and most inspired by.  For someone who actually requires some sleep the idea of resting in the city that never does is usually an anomaly to most people.  To me however, and to those who know me well, it was the perfect location to start a new chapter in my life.

Needless to say it did not go all according to plan; the unexpected flight upgrade out was a gift from the heavens.  If I had the money I would fly like that always. On the day of my birthday however, it rained, heavy and relentless.  This was a lesson in having back up plans, I didn’t and needless to say the mood ended up damp and frustrated, however, the great cure all that is Musical theatre on Broadway saved the day (or evening).  I did either a Pilates class or Barre class every day with teachers I didn’t know and again I found my expectations challenged.  The Barre classes were New York tough; in my head they were going to be ballet based in reality they were fast, tough and very loud.  As the teacher kept repeating ‘5 more seconds won’t last a lifetime’, all I could think was ‘neither will my legs!’.  These teachers were smart, tough and above all continually motivating and whilst it might not have been the Ballet Barre I was expecting it challenged me in a way I had not been challenged in quite some time, In such an unfamiliar environment I had to push myself in an entirely different way, in truth had I known in advance what was coming I probably would have backed out and missed out on two great classes.

I also went to see a Master Pilates teacher that had been recommended to me.
A petite woman called Carey Regan from NY, her quiet energy is deceptive.
A breadth of knowledge and humour that made you want to spend much more time in her company, unimpressed with women in NY aspiring to burn themselves into size zero mannequins, her wit was engaging and the workout challenging, not because it was fast and dynamic but because she wanted me to let go and do less.  Not something I ever expected to hear in a session in NYC, a lesson I needed to learn.

So over the space of a weekend my landmarks shifted both in myself and in the way I see Pilates. I was reminded how important continual change is, that often it’s the things that present themselves by chance that are the things we need to learn the most from.  So as September approaches and I return to teaching I will be taking not only new exercises but new approaches into my classes, because whilst there is a time for ‘reaching for the finish line’ sometimes there is also a value in shaking off the day and finding your wings even if it isn’t at the ballet Barre.

It seems where there is a continual will to learn, there is a 5 second countdown waiting in the wings….Life is too short not to keep moving and maybe even smile whilst you’re doing it!